Episode 069

Feb 24, 2023

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In this episode of the Be Guided and Be Great podcast, I give you 4-Steps to begin creating your own Roadmap of Intuitive Evidence

I know how hard it is to pinpoint our own Intuition. 


Because you've been doing it since you were born. 

If I asked you to tell me how many times you blink your eyes, could you tell me? 

Not right away. 

But if you sat for a minute and counted, you could probably get there. 

And blinking your eyes is a physical thing you can count on your fingers. 

Now try to tell me how many feelings you felt throughout the day, and how many people's feelings you felt throughout the day due to your Clairsentience. Good luck, right?   

Though I dive deeper into each step in the podcast, let me share the 4-Steps with you here: (grab a journal)

1. Dreams: Begin the day with a date on the top and write down any dreams, visitations, messages, nightmares and images or feelings you felt throughout the night. 

2. Which Clair are you using throughout the day? Throughout the day, make notes of which Clairs you're using and when.

3. What Guide is around you? Throughout the day, scan out just outside of your aura and notice what type of Guide is next to you. Do you see clothing, hair, colors? Write down what you see or sense. 

4. What Guidance are you receiving for big life decisions? Each evening, tune in to yourself, then ask the Guides how they are guiding you in big-picture, life decisions. 

Repeat throughout the week, then look back on each day's notes at the end of each week. 

It's so important to make a note of even the slightest of details, because at the end of each week, when you sit to review the evidence, you can see where you were in fact Guided. 

How many predictions came true?

How many personal issues do you have clarity on, now?

How many slivers of Guidance did you pick up on days ago, that are now coming to fruition? 

This is how you get to know how you experience your own Guidance. This is how you get to know how the Clairs feel as they are working within you. 

I'm working on a journal as we speak to help you with this, but until I get it into your hands, these 4-steps will get you going right now. 

You already have the gift. Take the time to make little notes of evidence as to how it works within you today. 

Listening to the podcast?  

“Oh my gosh, that happened to me and now I understand it!” If that sounds like you, Click here to rate and review my podcast! This helps me support more people ~ just like you ~ have an Intuition they can use, control and trust. Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. We're developing more books, journals, courses and tools to help you get the most out of your Intuition. We don't want you to miss out. 

Want to receive 10-weeks of free content? Join the community Click here and I'll send you a video, worksheet and a podcast with a different Intuitive topic each week. 

I'll see you there! 

Which Clair Are You?

Find out which Clair you use the most to access your personal Intuition.